Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wow-No School All Week!

Subways are scheduled to start running tomorrow (which I find amazing).

But only above 34th Street, so apparently that's not enough to get everyone back in the classroom.

New York Goes Back to Work!

Took a jog down Central Park West to take a photo of the dangling crane for work and the town is hopping!

My cousin Nate, who has moved in with us until the power in his downtown apartment goes back up, walked to work and phoned in traffic reports to me from his office overlooking Times Square.

So I headed out for a jog with my camera.

Click here for the slideshow, click here if you're viewing on an iPad or iPhone.

Meanwhile the debate rages: if there is not going to be any subway service for four or five days, how can there be school?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No School Tomorrow! AGAIN!

Jubilation reigns! Three days off!


However, even as I write this, I hear frightening sounds: three ten-year-olds in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, a refugee relative from Lower Manhattan is moving in.

Maybe the 10-year-olds can make dinner!


Looks calm outside our windows, but my in-laws downtown are out of power and Facebook photos show 72nd flooded between Park & Lex.

Too bad we can't get through the park to see the East Side. But look at what the storm surge left behing on Riverside Park--a railroad tie on a park bench--it just tossed it over! Here's a link to a slideshow; if you're using an iPhone or iPad, click here instead.

The big question: will there be school tomorrow??

Monday, October 29, 2012