Monday, November 5, 2012

Cleaning Up

The preferred soap of Sandy refugees cleaning up at our house! 

Manhattan, at least, is cleaning up, from people taking showers (some of them at our place--I'm giving them North Street Bubble soap!!) to major work in Central Park and Riverside--bags of swept of debris lined Riverside by the end of the day yesterday when we biked along it.

Buckled pier at 79th Street Boat Basin

Manhattan is cleaning up, but lights are still coming on in New Jersey.  And the damage in parts of lower Manhattan, Queens, Long Island, Staten Island and Jersey (as seen from Riverside Park at right) is of a mindbloggling scale.
Cleaning up trees in Central Park

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Supply Lines

Walking up to our synagogue to drop off water for caravan of cars headed out with supplies for the people in the Rockaways, I see people loading up cars at churches and community centers. In Staten Island, would-be marathoners are running to drop off backpacks intended for them at the end of the race to people in that hard-hit borough.

Meanwhile, power's back on in Lower Manhattan, so my cousin has moved back home, making room for three classmates of my older daughter's. No power yet in their part of of New Jersey!

And, seeing slide shows of the damage in New Jersey, I am wondering when life will return to normal there! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Helping Hands

Helping Hands from Kate Rice on Vimeo.

No classes 'til Monday, but the girls' school opens up so students can put together toiletry bags, make sandwiches, raise money with a bake sale and write cards as part of efforts going on throughout the city to help Sandy victims.